It’s that time of year again to say thanks to our hardworking mail carriers.
I can tell you they really do appreciate it. Sometimes they don’t get a break at all during this busy time of year to make sure that we have all of our holiday packages. Don’t you think if they had some water and snacks, they’d love it? I know my mail carriers are super thankful. They told me last year when I did this, that some days all they had during the day was the goodies I had set out. I will keep it stocked all month for them for sure! I set out a variety… water bottles, chips, popcorn, granola bars, candy canes, etc.
I’m including the Thank You message below, in case you would like to do the same for your mail carrier. Simply print it out and fold in half to attach or set on your box of goodies. I left off our name so you can easily write yours on there or use a program like to add it before printing.
Just click on the image and you can right click and save it to print out.
You can also CLICK HERE to download the file on DropBox if you have any issues opening the full size image above.
Happy Holidays!